I wish I could have a sit-down with my younger Self and my older Self. Imagine being 15 and hearing advice from your 20-year-old self. Or being 20 and getting a glimpse of what your 30-year-old self would tell you. And now? I find myself wishing I could sit down with my 50-, 60-, or 70-year-old self and ask all the big questions:
- What really matters?
- What’s worth the effort—and what isn’t?
- What should I be teaching my kids today?
- What mistakes am I making now?
- How should I best spend my time?
- What was worth spending money on? What wasn’t?
- Who in my life am I not be paying enough attention to, that I will regret it later?
- ETC!
But since time travel isn’t an option (yet!), I thought—why not do this together?
Our Newsletter Family group is filled with incredible, capable, wise people. So let’s help each other out! 🎉🤙
I really want to learn from you, Shifi Lieberman! Please reply with your gut answer. No need to overthink. Don’t be shy!
1. What would you tell your younger self?
2. Is there a piece of advice you wish you’d followed sooner?
3. Or a perspective you gained the hard way?
Take a moment to reflect and hit “reply.” Any/every response would be amazing! Please also share your age or decade of life (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 100s!) so we can see the wisdom from every stage. We value advice from our Elders tremendously, so please share!
I’m hoping to put together something truly incredible! 🎉
Let’s help each other out and make time travel happen—together.
Feel free to forward this email to anyone who can contribute to our “study” of life wisdom. The more voices, the better!
P.S. If you are getting this as a forward, please sign up for our Newsletter here! Get excited to see the results!
P.P.S. BRIBE ALERT‼️ If you get 5 or more people (which means anyone out there!) to respond this email with advice, please reach out to me and I will GIFT you with our ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CHILDREN AGES 1-14!!