This is the bullseye with a bunch of rings:
- The person going through the crisis is in the center.
- The next ring out? That’s the immediate family—the spouse, parents, siblings, or kids.
- Further out? Her extended family/ close friends.
- Even further? Casual friends, coworkers etc.
Got the picture? Here’s the rule:
Comfort In, Dump Out.
If you’re talking to someone closer to the center, your job is to provide support and encouragement—be helpful, listen, and avoid adding to their stress. Comfort goes inward.
If you’re talking to someone further out, you can express your feelings and fears about the situation. Dump your emotions outward.
Here’s How It Works in Real Life:
Scenario 1: Your sister just had a baby who’s in the NICU, and she’s emotionally and physically exhausted. You’re feeling overwhelmed because you’re picking up the slack with her other children, and doing her carpools and dealing with endless homework for her kids…
- When you talk to your sister (who’s in the center), you say: “You’re doing amazing. What can I do to help?”
- When you talk to your coworker (who’s in an outer ring), you say: “I’m totally exhausted covering for my sister, and I’m very worried about the baby’s infection.”
Scenario 2: Your best friend’s young father suddenly passed away, and you’re feeling shocked and sad, and in so much pain watching her go through this loss.
- When you talk to her, you say: “I’m here for you. What do you need?”
- When you talk to another friend, you say: “I feel so helpless. I don’t know what to say to her, I’m devastated.”
See the pattern? Support goes to the people closer in, and you process your own emotions with people further out.
What NOT to Do (Because We’ve All Done It):
- Telling your sick friend how hard their diagnosis is for you. Nope.
- Venting to a grieving person about how you’re not sure what to say.
- Expecting the person in the middle of the crisis to reassure you.
We all mean well, but sometimes we forget which ring we’re in. The good news? Now we know 😍.
So, the next time someone you love is going through something tough, just remember:
Comfort In, Dump Out.
🥰, Shifi